Kerrys Current Top Sellers

Quit Stalling, Just Do It!
Most of us know what we want or should do in life. But we often spend time finding reasons not to do it, lose focus or become so overwhelmed we don't start. This often leaves feelings of guilt. This listening session will allow you to take back control of your life and motivate you to quit stalling and get it done!
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Energy Booster!
In our busy lives, we rush around as life moves at such a fast pace. It's no wonder our energies become depleted. This listening session is a supercharger to pep you up and re-energise your life!
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Be Confident!
Shine and make a positive impression in any situation. Whether it be meeting new people, an interview or just wanting to feel better about yourself. This session will give you the tools and techniques.
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Attract Abundance!
Create a positive mental attitude that will attract success in whatever you want to achieve. Be able to see possibilities and opportunities to enable you to reach your goals!
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These all retail for £19.97

postheadericon      Personal and Business Coaching

Kerry Jones is a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. a Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and an experienced Business Coach. She works with both individuals and businesses to discover, design and manifest their visions of success.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is now recognised world-wide as a powerful tool for both rapid change and the achievement of excellence – it is widely used in the world of elite sport and in the arena of both personal and professional mastery.

Kerry through the integration of NLP and Coaching can offer clients the ability to release limiting beliefs, unwanted behaviors and mental/emotional blocks that hold you back from tapping into your core strengths and empower you to become who you want to be.


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Kerry runs courses, workshops, toolbox talks and is also happy to work with you one to one.

When you come on a course, she will make you feel comfortable and safe to voice and explore your beliefs and barriers, so that you can move past them on to success.

Email Kerry here with your wishes  


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Kerry produces her own life changing self help and hypnosis CDs, DVDs and workbooks.

The top three most popular are listed on the left hand side of this site.

Email Kerry for her full list

Free E-Book

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56 Key Profit Building Lessons I Learned From Jay Abrahams.

An E-Book delivered to you via email.

Email Kerry to get your free E-Book

Contact Kerry

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               Phone: 0161 926 9510
                 Fax: 0161 880 2597
             Carrington Business Park
                Carrington M31 4DD
                    United Kingdom
What Clients Say

" Kerry's very relaxed and easy style quickly put me at my ease. Her professional and motivating approach helped me to address and change a challenging situation that was causing me some difficulty and implement changes that will have a bearing on my personal and professional life."
Rosie - Ireland

"Left me feeling motivated to learn more and to explore more within my work and personal life. It will help in multiple uses; in consultation work with young people, teachers, families, other professionals and multi-agency meetings. "
Emma - Educational Psychologist

"Fantastic, loved it all! Kerry made it fun, interesting and gave me the desire to learn more. Thank you so much you have taught me loads. x"
Georgie Doherty - Bury Council